Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I moved my studio

We are in the process of clearing out as much of our basement as possible. Why? Well, my wife and I are getting older (and yes, we are all getting older), and would like to limit the number of floors we live in, in our house. The kids are gone, and it's just the two of us ... for now. ;-)

And I had lovely studio setup in our basement; plenty of space and lots of light. Now I'll be sharing a room on the first floor with my wife, a joint studio. I don't mind, but we do have different approaches to studio spaces. We both like lots of room, but whereas my wife appreciates keeping her space tidy, I'm ... well ... rather messy. I see nothing wrong with leaving materials out for a project that's in-progress.

Still, it's very, very nice to be back out of the basement.

P.S. What you see is not my studio.

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